Debbie Rose from Churchill

Churchill at Long Sutton launches free afterschool club to help families during cost of living crisis

A free daytime club will give children a little joy

As the cost-of-living crisis persists, families in Long Sutton may be able to take advantage of the free baby food offer. Debbie Rose from Churchill suggested this idea: every Tuesday and Wednesday the pub offers a warm place to relax. She said: “We are a public pub and have already helped many families. This is a really tough time for everyone and we want to make it a little easier.”

The Extended Day Club will begin on Monday, December 5 at 3:30 pm and will run every night for two weeks until 5:30 pm.

Debbie strives to encourage everyone to join her.

She said, “It’s all about the kids getting together. We’ll be giving away free lunches and have some fun with letters to Santa Claus. We want everyone to have a good time. Absolutely anyone can come – they just need to sign up, as there are 30 places every day.

Debbie was also amazed at the generosity of the people.

Although they don’t ask for donations, people go out of their way to help, including Sutton Bridge-based Rookery Farm Produce.

She explained, “So people have offered to help with donations, even though I’m not asking them. People insist that I take everything from food to money to help.”

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